HomeCategoryBankruptcy Archives - Rodie & Rodie

Should you use a dash cam in your vehicle in Connecticut?

Imagine the following scenario:   You are stopped at a red light at a four-way intersection. Your light turns green and you proceed into the intersection. Suddenly, a vehicle from your left smashes into your driver’s side door and seriously injures you. You and the other vehicle are the only two cars near the intersection....

A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring a Lawyer in Connecticut

Hiring a lawyer can be a daunting task, especially if you have never needed legal representation before. Whether you are facing a criminal charge, going through a divorce, or starting a business, having a competent and experienced attorney by your side is essential. However, the process of finding and hiring the right lawyer can be...

Slip and Fall Accidents Are Avoidable

When it comes to slip and falls, we can sometimes see them as a freak accident — the victim tripped in unlikely fashion, resulting in severe injuries. But those injuries can just as easily come from falls caused by obvious and preventable mistakes, and that is what tends to be at the heart of these injuries....

How Medical Malpractice Victims Can Get Justice Sooner Than Later

When you enter a doctor’s office, you trust them to do their best in diagnosing and treating your condition. You likely will not expect that they make mistakes, overlook a health risk, or even purposefully harm you.  Unfortunately, medical malpractice does happen, and it can have serious consequences. The good news is that there are ways...